Advice Skills Academy

Advice Skills Academy

The Advice Skills Academy is a project supported by the European Union through the European Social Fund (ESF), that will build the skills and knowledge of staff within the Citizens Advice services in the Liverpool City Region (LCR).

Participating Citizens Advice services are:

  • Citizens Advice East Liverpool
  • Citizens Advice Halton
  • Citizens Advice Knowsley
  • Citizens Advice North Liverpool
  • Citizens Advice St Helens
  • Citizens Advice South Liverpool
  • Citizens Advice Sefton


The Advice Skills Academy (ASA) project will develop a co-ordinated approach to identifying learning and development needs of staff with Citizens Advice services; develop a calendar of training opportunities to meet the needs of staff; identify other learning and development opportunities, including e-learning, coaching and mentoring; and support the development of learning organisations that are responsive to the needs of staff, volunteers, and their learning, development and progression goals.

Funded until September 2019, the ASA project will work with 540 people, and will make sure that BME, disabled, over-50’s, lone parents, and women are engaged and able to benefit from the project.