Advice Skills Academy 2.0
Advice Skills Academy 2.0 is an innovative project supported by the European Union through the European Social Fund (ESF). The project aims to build the skills and knowledge of staff and volunteers offering advice services in the Liverpool City Region (LCR).

Advice Skills Academy 2.0 will:
- address higher level skills shortages in specialist advice services;
- provide training and support for people within the workforce to improve skills, progression, knowledge and productivity;
- provide training and a support routeway for disadvantaged groups seeking to access further job opportunities in the sector;
- improve management, leadership and progression capacity; and
- promote equality by improving the progression prospects of women within the workforce.
Funded to June 2023 the project will focus on:
- identifying learning and development needs of staff and volunteers within partner organisations and those in other advice roles from organisations across the Liverpool City Region;
- developing calendars of training opportunities to meet the needs of staff and volunteers;
- identify other learning and development opportunities, including e-learning, coaching and mentoring; and
- support the development of learning organisations that are responsive to the needs of staff, volunteers, and their learning, development and progression goals.
Delivered through a partnership approach, the Advice Skills Academy 2.0 project will deliver an integrated curriculum of accredited and non-accredited training to 1202 people in the Liverpool City Region. It will develop and up-skill the workforce for specialist advice services in the Liverpool City Region, and provide a pathway for people to compete effectively for job opportunities within the advice sector.
Key Project Partners include: